Playbox Theatre’s Shakespeare Young Company is a flagship department, which trains intensively at The Dream Factory every Friday, under the leadership of Mary King and Stewart McGill. Alongside their weekly training, there are regular opportunities to present work both within, and beyond, The Dream Factory. Over the past 12 months, SYC has played Shakespeare’s Sonnets at St Mary’s Crypt and Stratford Town Hall and has presented Death By Shakespeare for a special event at the theatre on April 23rd. Plans for next year include a staging of Venus & Adonis and – of course – we encourage SYC and Pucks to audition for The Chimes At Midnight (Henry IV), which takes to the Playbox stage this Autumn.
To be eligible to apply for SYC/Pucks, actors must be a member of Playbox Theatre Acting workshops, with an excellent attendance record.
Important note: These are high commitment programmes and it is crucial that members, and their families, understand this at the time of audition. Absence from Friday training is rarely permissible and may result in a member being asked to withdraw from the course, if the required commitment can’t be made.
Audition Date: Monday 5th June
Please arrive for 4:30pm and sign in on arrival. Candidates will be seen individually and will be free to leave once they have been seen. There may be a wait as young people will audition in order of sign in.
Minimum age to audition is 9 years
Actors should learn and prepare 14 lines of Shakespeare – this could be a favourite speech or a Sonnet. Please choose a character that you find interesting and is appropriate to your playing age.
Please click the link to book your audition today, and we really look forward to seeing you there.