As a company that strives to support young people into a range of careers, we love welcoming students to work experience placements at our theatre, The Dream Factory. A placement with us will take you through all aspects of life running a theatre; exploring how we run Playbox as a business, an education centre, and a working theatre. Playbox is a tight team, with a strong community atmosphere, so you’ll be supported by all of our staff as you work alongside them in their department. Although theatre performance remains at our core, our work experience placement provides a valuable program for any young person interested in the arts and education.
A typical work experience week will involve working across every department at Playbox Theatre. You’ll support daily workshops for ages 3-18, work with administration and marketing, and you will support the management of our front of house and box office. Depending on where we are in our show schedule, you might be building sets, assisting directors during rehearsal, or helping prepare the technical demands of a show. A placement with us is extremely active and varied, as is life in a working theatre! We’ll seek to introduce you to all the possible kinds of work our company provides under the watch of our friendly staff, so you’ll have an in depth understanding of what it means to work with us.
You can apply on this page by clicking the ‘apply here’ button. Placements are limited, so we only accept applicants we believe would find the experience valuable and relevant to their future endeavours. In your application, let us know why you think Playbox is the right choice for you, and what you’re hoping to get out of your experience!
Insights from young individuals who have participated in our work placement program:
The best thing would be the people I worked with […] Playbox has such an inviting atmosphere and I cannot recall a moment where I wasn’t happy with the people surrounding me
– Thoughts from Sophie, student of BOA