Quillan: My name is Quillan Mitchell and I have been a member of Playbox for about as long as I can remember, I think I joined Apple Club when we was around 5, meaning that I have been at Playbox for about 12 years. I am interested in all things theatre and music. I was home educated until last year when I started a music course at college.
Nathanael: Hi! My name is Nathanael, I’ve been with Playbox since I was 3 years old and I am going on 18 now. It is the place that made me fall in love with acting and the stage. My mum happened to spot a Playbox leaflet in a coffee shop in 2003 and decided to sign my brother Asher up. After seeing how much he loved being a part of the playbox family, I wanted to join too and it’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Outside of Playbox I enjoy writing, trampolining and chess!
Quillan: My reaction was one of surprise and happiness. Being cast as Ralph was very unexpected as is was a character that I hadn’t even considered myself playing! However, after my initial surprise I was extremely happy and exited at the opportunity to develop Ralph’s character and perform in the show!
Nathanael: I am a very big fan of the book and was extremely excited when I heard that it was going to be on the Playbox stage again. The audition was great fun and I was constantly checking my phone afterward to see if there was any news. I was absolutely ecstatic when the casting came through and seeing that I had been cast as Jack absolutely made my day.
Quillan: I was a little nervous and very exited. I always find myself a little uncertain on a first rehearsal because it often takes a few days for the directors ideas to properly settle in my mind and for me to appreciate and begin contributing to what is being created. I’m usually nervous playing a character for the first time because again, it takes me a short while to settle into it and to begin developing my performance. However, the friendly kinetic atmosphere really helped me to settle in on this occasion!
Nathanael: I felt that there were good vibes on the first day and a very chill atmosphere. I think because we knew the play itself was going to be so dark, we all wanted to have a positive attitude coming into rehearsals to compensate for the things that our characters were going to be doing. Stepping into the role of Jack felt quite daunting at first because the character has so much depth but I began to get more comfortable in the role and found that he is actually very fun to play!
Quillan: I relate to some aspects of my character but not others. All the characters in this story are multi-layered and none of them have just one thing that makes them tick! Due to his complexities, I find it difficult to relate to Ralph because he can be quite a confusing character. I find myself relating to and agreeing with him one moment, but in the next I’m less sure about him! That being said, I do think Ralph is slightly more relatable than some of the other characters in this show.
Nathanael: Whilst I don’t personally relate to Jack at all, I do think he is a tragic and maybe even misunderstood character. He is a kid who hasn’t matured enough to handle the responsibility of leading a group of children through a crisis. I truly believe that when he firsts arrives at the island, he doesn’t have any intention of becoming the monster he ultimately transforms into later. Instead, he gives into ideas that he doesn’t fully understand and allows them to change him into something else, and at his age, he is not equipped to deal with that. Of course, this doesn’t justify his actions in the story but I do think that a lot of people are often too quick to assume that he is nothing more than a monster.
Quillan: I don’t think it has affected our relationship at all, although our characters are often at each others throats, I do not believe that my performance would benefit from a similar relationship off stage!
Nathanael: Quillan and I have been very good friends for well over a year and I have a lot of love and respect for him personally. We often joke about when we’re not in character and there is never any hostility when we’re rehearsing. I think it’s very important to have this healthy working relationship, particularly when our characters engage in so much conflict. If anything, I think rehearsals have actually made us closer as friends.
Quillan: I think that this production will make points regarding how we, as humans, treat one another, and how we are influenced by not just the people around us but by our physical surroundings and situations too. I hope that my performance will assist in the transmission of these messages, and that an audience member leaving this show will consider in greater depth their own choices and humanity!
Nathanael: I think the play is a massive reality check for people as it shows the flaws in humanity at a very shocking level. Jack despises Piggy and Simon who I think are the heart of the piece as they are the representation of good and hope. The more that Piggy and Simon’s voices are drowned out by Jack and the other boys, the more that darkness and sin prevails. This play isn’t entirely fiction because we see the same darkness everyday in the real world, where there are wars and people suffering at the hands of others. I want to use my portrayal of Jack to show the extent of what human kind could become if we don’t spread the messages of peace and basic kindness.
Quillan: Climbing ropes! The set for this show is going to be FANTASTIC (I am so so so exited for it!!), it includes climbable ropes, which I get to use on a few occasions in the show!
I hope that throughout this rehearsal period I can improve my rope climbing abilities, because I am having SO much fun at the moment!
Nathanael: Learning to climb the ropes has been a fun and challenging experience for a lot of us. I for one have struggled a lot in the first few rehearsals trying to keep myself up there but now we all just want to climb them all the time!
Quillan: I am looking forward to the summer season at Playbox; particularly, Musical Theatre, Directorials (with Playbox Professionals) and all of the auditions that are happening for productions later in the year!
I am (at the time of this interview) rehearsing with SYC for Venus And Adonis; this show has put me a in a summery mood and I can’t what to see what will happen later in the year!
Nathanael: I’m very excited about the upcoming shows at the Dream Factory, they’re going to be absolutely amazing. I’m currently in Playbox Professionals and we’re starting to work on some pieces as part of our Directors season which I’m very much looking forward to and the new season of Musical Theatre has started so I’m thrilled to be getting back into that too.