Il Capitano – The Mayor Erin Tompkins
Il Dottore – The Doctor Chloe Morgan
Il Maestro – The Shipwright Phoebe Dolton
Lavanderia – The Launderette Elyana Embley
La Figlia – Her Daughter Betty Davies
Il Oste – Inn Owner Elyssa Beaumont
Il Cameriere – The Waiter Lola Burton
Il Pescatore – The Fisherman Charlotte Almond
Il Professore – The Teacher Lottie Harte
Il Barky – The Dog Trainer Alena Jobbins
Luca Ben Foulerton
I Bambini
Nelliana Dallamore, Jude Mathias, Henry Gray, Audrey Chalk, Emma Furby, Beatrice Lawrence, Miranda Tanqueray, Evelyn Range, Florence Feild
Beatrice Walker, Pippa Deakin, Abbey Murphy, Esme Gilligan, Hannah Liddington, Faith McPherson, Hattie Griffiths, Benedict Westcott, Edward Beresford, Soraiya Rampling, Emily Stoker, Arthur Benson, Jack Dolton
Barnumbo Victor Ledwich-Madsen
Leonora Emily McCarthy
Sofia Florence Fittall
Carla Maggie Carey
Astra Leona Delahaye
Arleccino Edward Currie
Pulcinella Chloe Hughes-Webb
Brighella Joss Hampson
Pagliacci James Hesford
Jeremiah Izzy Hardus-Lameira
Giulia Matilda Quash
Mr Grimaldi Charlie Smith
Children of Luminara
Beckett Mitchell, Marcie Virdee, Violet McCarthy, Tilly Davies, Elisabetta Clauser